Story of God

Everyone has a story. Stories form us, they tell us who we are and how we fit in the world. God is no different. He has a story too. The difference though, between our stories and his, is that we don’t really know whether the stories that we believe about ourselves or our world are true until we actually begin to understand HIS STORY.

Come discover who you are and the true story of the world by experiencing the Story of God with us. Join us on Monday night for 10 weeks starting at 7:00 pm. We will spend the evening walking through the drama of God's redemption of the world by exploring who God is, what God has done, and who we are as a result.


  • The Story of God is open to anyone, long time disciple, brand new disciple or anyone with questions.
  • Each session consists of two or three 5 to 10 minute stories. Each story is followed up by questions and dialogue. It's less like a study of the Bible and more like joining a tour group and taking a trip through human history.
  • Feel free to ask questions and openly wonder about any part of the story. This is a great time to ask questions and allow God to bring new insights into His Story
  • Each night will last about 1 ½ hours.
  • Not only will we be learning the story, but we will also be building community. We encourage you choose the most convenient night for the whole study. With that being said we would rather have you come on a different night than miss a week. We do not encourage you to do this unless absolutely necessary.
  • You do not need to bring anything with you, come and enjoy the Story, the dialogue and the community!
  • This is not an event just for people following Jesus already. I believe it is an amazing experience for people who have questions or do not know anything about God.

Brian Starr

Surprise Christian Church

Date / Time

Registration closed on Monday, June 17, 2024