UCYC does not keep general Lost & Found items. After a group leaves, all items left behind will be gathered and discarded immediately. The exception to this is medications, expensive electronics/jewelry, wallets/identification cards and keys (personal items).
- We will communicate with all groups, as a part of their registration packet, UCYC’s policy on Lost & Found
- A large Lost & Found bin will be placed in a primary gathering location (lodge, dining hall, etc.)
- All general lost & found items will be collected and deposited into bin during the camp session
- There will be a separate “personal items” bin for medications, expensive electronics/jewelry, wallets/identification cards, keys, etc.
- The personal items bin will be collected and stored in the main office
- We will try to connect with identified people (wallets/id cards, etc.) to return them their stuff.
- Personal items will be stored in the safe no longer than 1 month.
- After 1 month, we will discard/donate personal items.
- We will pay for shipping to return items up to $5. After $5, they will be required to pay the shipping on their own.
- Large bin(s) will be rolled out to the main exit staging area and each group will be encouraged to scour the bins for their lost & found items.
- Group leaders will be given trash bags on the last day to scour their groups cabin(s) to gather their lost & found items to take back with them.
- For exclusive group camp sessions, the entire contents of the bins will be given over to the group’s leader to distribute as they see fit.
- After all groups have left, the contents of the large bin will be discarded and the bin will be rolled back into its primary gathering location for the next session of camp.