Elementary October Week 1 - We Obey God By Putting God First

Posted: 10/3/2021

Hello SCC Kids!

Happy October! October is such a fun month. I just love the cooler weather, time with family and fun festivities! Speaking of fun, we have a really fun theme this month in Kids. We're taking a road trip! Ok, maybe not a real road trip, but we get to pretend we're taking a road trip. Along this fun road trip we will be making many stops...10 to be exact. Can you guess what we're learning about? The 10 commandments! God gave us 10 rules called commandments that he sent to us through our Bible friend, Moses. 

I wonder what the first two are. We'll find out this week in our lesson and video! I am so excited to take this road trip with you guys. If you have anything you want to ask or talk about, feel free to reach out anytime. I miss you guys like crazy and love talking to you! I hope you have an awesome week. I love you and God loves you too!


Ms. Brandy