Preschool October Week 2 - We Obey God By Worshiping God

Posted: 10/10/2021

Hello SCC Kids,

I hope everyone had a fabulous week! What is your favorite kind of music to listen to on a road trip? I love lots of different music but I think my favorite would have to be worship music. I love to sing and dance and worship God in the car. That's right, in the car! There are many places and ways you can worship God! Worshiping God is doing anything that brings God the glory. So try it out! Crank up those worship tunes and praise God!

Last week we started off our road trip by talking about the first two commandments. Commandments were the rules God gave to His people through Moses. We continue our road trip this week by learning about the 3rd and 4th commandments. The 3rd commandment says we should honor and respect God's name. That means not using His name in a bad way, like a bad word. The 4th commandment says we should have a day of rest. When God created Earth, He rested on the 7th day. God wants us to rest on the 7th day, too. Most of us like to use this day to go to church, worship God and honor Him. How do you like to spend your day of rest honoring God?

I can't wait until we can all worship God together and guess what, we will be able to soon! That will be an awesome day for praising God! Until that day, I hope you all enjoy these videos and if you ever want to chat I'm always here! I love you SCC Kids and God loves you too! Have an awesome week.


Ms. Brandy