Preschool December Week 1 - Everyone Needs A Savior

Posted: 12/5/2021

Merry Christmas SCC Kids!

Isn't this such an exciting time? People are putting fun lights on their houses, setting up Christmas trees, shopping for gifts. Everyone is preparing for Christmas! Did you know that in the Bible people were preparing for the very first Christmas? We learn all about that this month in our series called, Wait For It.

This week, we learn about John the Baptist who prepares the people for the arrival of Jesus. John wasn't putting up lights or Christmas trees like we do, he was a messenger. He was talking to all the people about preparing for a savior, someone who would save them. They needed to get their hearts ready for the coming of the savior, Jesus!

What can you do this week to prepare for Jesus? It's fun to decorate and sing carols, let's remember who we do this for, our Savior! Let's prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! I love you, SCC Kids and God loves you too! Have a wonderful week!


Ms. Brandy